Saturday, November 22, 2008


Teman : 1. kawan, handai, sahabat, taulan: mengapa sendirian pula, tiada ~, tiada rakan; 2. orang yg bersama-sama melakukan sesuatu, lawan bercakap-cakap (bermain dsb): ~ bercakap; 3. sesuatu sbg pelengkap, jodoh, kawan: buah pinang dimakan orang jadi ~ sirih; 4. Pr ganti diri yg pertama, saya, aku;~ hidup orang yg dijadikan pasangan hidup (isteri atau suami); ~ sejawat kawan sekerja; ~ tetangga jiran; ~ tidur orang yg dijadikan kawan tidur; usahlah ~ dimandikan pagi prb janganlah terlalu memuji-muji;berteman 1. berkawan, bersahabat: sebenarnya kedua-dua orang itu ~ baik; 2. tidak seorang diri, ada kawannya: ke mana pun pergi jarang-jarang aku ~; bertemankan mempunyai (seseorang, sesuatu) sbg teman;menemani 1. turut serta, mengawani, mengiringi, menyertai: dia senang melihat kawannya ~nya duduk di situ; malam itu Ramlan ~ Swee Meng pergi memanggil bidan; 2. ki menjadikan sbg pemakan (nasi dll), melawankan: sayur pucuk ubi ditemani oleh sambal belacan dan ikan goreng; peneman seseorang (sesuatu) yg menjadi teman kpd: hanya linangan air mata ~ duka.

Karib : 1. dekat (hubungan kekeluargaan); ~ (dan) baid dekat dan jauh (sanak saudara); ~ kerabat saudara-mara yg dekat; 2. rapat, erat (persahabatan dll): kawan ~ kawan yg rapat;berkarib bersanak saudara, bersahabat baik, erat (rapat) perhubungannya: ia ~ benar dgn Mak Guna yg bijak itu; mengaribi bersahabat baik dgn, mendekati;mengaribkanmerapatkan atau mengeratkan (persahabatan, persaudaraan, dll);kekariban 1. perihal persaudaraan atau hubungan kekeluargaan; 2. perihal erat atau rapat (perhubungan, persahabatan), keeratan (perhubungan, persahabatan).

Peduli : menaruh minat atau perhatian terhadap sesuatu: Dia tidak ~ akan nasihat orang tuanya. mempedulikan memberikan perhatian terhadap; menghiraukan; mengendahkan: Setelah masuk ke lubang, penyu itu tidak ~ apa-apa lagi.

Care : ~ for, a. look after, menjaga: to be ~d for by relatives, dijaga oleh saudara-mara; b. feel affection for, sayang akan, menyayangi: do you really ~ for him?, adakah kamu benar-benar menyayanginya?; c. be interested in, mengambil berat: to ~ for their well-being, mengambil berat ttg kebajikan mereka; d. like,<.i> suka akan: I do not ~ for such talk, saya tdk suka akan percakapan spt itu; e. like to have, mahu: would you ~ for a piece of cake?, (kamu) mahu sepotong kek?;

Sunday, November 16, 2008


This year is a psych year...ever!
I've been doing psych attachment for more than 2 months!
Even longer than O&G, Medicine and Surgery!
Yet, I still be in this blankness and perplexity.

Funny how people afraid to judge others when they've been asked to but willfully judge people in subconscious state.

In judging others, we expend energy to no purpose...But if we judge ourselves, our labour is always to our profit.

Thomas a Kemphis

Ya Rabb, grant me the strengths!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Such a big and sophisticated word for laziness!

Too many things had happenned over this week.
The expected and unexpected ones.

What ever happen,
we know,
we must not forfeit.

As this is only one of zillion hurdles
we have to jump,
before reaching our destinations (where ever they may be).


Thursday, October 16, 2008

I'm being nosy =p


WHAT?!!?? Really?!!?

I am HAPPY for you!!!

p.s:Nuha, kalau tak faham,abaikan =)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Malam bulan dipagar bintang
Makin indah jika dipandang
Bagai gadis beri senyuman
Pada bujang idaman

Duhai kasih ingin dimanja
Dengan cumbuan mesra
Untuk pelipurlara
Penawar dik asmara

Malam bulan dipagar bintang
Tambah seri cuaca malam
Murni sungguh ciptaan Tuhan
Bulan bintang lampu alam

Andai kata bintang menyepi
Bulan tidak berseri
Malam menjadi sunyi
Tidak berseri lagi

Wah,semenjak dua menjak ni,lagu sahaja di sini ye =)

Anyway, last night was rather unusual night. I slept with moon staring right at me. Living in the 5th floor,gives me the advantage of that! Unfortunately,this barking cough I'm having for weeks now has woken me up,disturbing my beauty sleep.Anyway, I shouldn't be complaining this hard,should I?

p.s: the lyric isn't so beautiful.Tidak bagus untuk diambil ikhtibar,ye!

What is life nowadays?

With all the wars happening (I mean a real big war,not neighbour war), funny why we're still not appreciating life as we should!

Is this half empty or half full glass?

How do you live your life?

How would you treat a complete stranger?

Is everybody good until proven otherwise or are they bad until proven otherwise?

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Bulan baru- rotation baru. Mood baru, kesibukan baru. Semua pun baru. Motivation still same old-same old. Haih~

Tak sanggup lagi aku
Mengenang kisah lalu
Keganasan menghantui diriku
Biarkan ia pergi
Menjadi suatu misteri
Bagaikan tiada hati yang peduli
Tidak mahu ku ingat lagi
Apa yang telah terjadi
Tragedi Oktober
Sesalan aku hanya untukmu sayang
Ampunilah segala dosa-dosaku
Tidak sengaja aku mengasari dirimu
Bagiku kau bukanlah lawanku
Hanya satu ku pinta
Kujujuran darimu
Berilah peluang hidupmu
Aku rela bersama
Meranjau onak duka
Agar berkekalan hendaknya

Lagu ni popular masa darjah 5. Tiap kali Oktober dtg,mesti lagu ni jadi siulan.

Also I like this song-by U2:

And the trees are stripped bare
Of all they wear
What do I care
And kingdoms rise
And kingdoms fall
But you go on

October also is the most imporant month for politicians- those in US and Aetearoa.
Especially for Helen Clark's team and John Key's team- this is the month that they need to sell all the new policies, before the election; 8th Nov 08.

ps: Obviously, our politics are much more interesting then theirs =p

Current PM - Helen Clark from Labour

'1% Kiwi Saver and Tax' man - Mr. John Key from National

Friday, September 26, 2008

What I Like About You 3

As many people having such unhappy days recently, maybe this ad could help to lift you up!

Smile though your heart is aching;
Smile even though it's breaking.
When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by.
If you smile through your fear and sorrow,
Smile and maybe tomorrow,
You'll see the sun come shining through for you.

Light up your face with gladness,
Hide every trace of sadness.
Although a tear may be ever so near,
That's the time you must keep on trying,
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile,
If you just smile.

Lyrics by John Turner and Geoffrey Parsons.
Music written by Charlie Chaplin, 1936.

This song is quite famous.If you google this, you can find many versions sung by big names like MJackson, Nat King Cole, Barbara Streisand, Robert Downey Jr and my fav of all, Josh Gorban.

p.s: of course this is one of the collection of NZ ad. This one is for AMI insurance =)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

What I Like About You 2

Another nice ad I've seen in TV. Not quite sure whether this is only local or worlwide.And this ad won the best ad of the year 2008. Im not 100% agree with the Kiwis. Come on, there's more than this monkey bussiness!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What I Like About You

WILAY is one of my favourite series. Amanda Bynes is one of the main actress in that sitcom. And I think Val in that story is similar if not the same as myself...hehehhe...and Im hoping one day I'll have my own version of Vic...hahahha...

Enough with Lalaland, feet right back on the ground!

As we are counting days (we becoz it's not only me who does it =p ) to 'sayonara-ing' Aotearoa, these are a few things that I will be missing soon about this little land.

1. I really like ads here. They are funny, yet meaningful. Some ads I cant really understand at all, then I have to ask Melor.She is really good at interpreting tv's ads.

2. Having a fresh milk for my morning coffee. Fresh milk seems so luxurious back home. Here, it is necessity.Well it's true what the ad said about NZ - beribu juta lembu! (I have proved you the power of ad!)
3. The air is very fresh!I used to walk along Lambton Quay every morning. Lambton Quay is quite a full on area, it's in the heart of Wellington CBD. Yet, you can still feel the freshness of the breeze, even at 1 o'clock in the afternoon!

4. It's really safe to cross roads here. It's because they make full use of the zebra crossing and traffic lights. As simple as that!
That's all I can think of at the mo. Im not stimulated to brainstorming at present. Well, here's one of the cool ads from Aotearoa.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Too Posh To Push

Ha, this entry is very related to the run that I am currently doing; O&G.

Another a week and 3 days to go, before I say goodbye to the ladies and pregnant mummies and say hola to general medicine.Something that I dont really look forward to actually. I dont particularly enjoy this run, but I have to say, it is quite interesting.I dont think I would do anything with gynae or obstretic in my future career but for locum, why not! This area of speciality is too emotional for me;good and bad emotional.

1. From my observations, women in labour are the nastiest creature in the world.They can be as mad as the Joker;or even worst than that. They have no mercy. I feel sympathy for the husbands or their partners have to put up with them.I think this is not acceptable.Even though they are in unsurpassable pain, they have no right to be rude to the husbands.One lady said to her husband, "You dont know what Im going through.You are responsible for this. You fucking man!I will never do this again. You bastard!" I mean, seriously woman.Do you have to be that nasty!Your husband did nothing. He just told you to keep pushing, in a very gentleman way!Does he deserve such words, just because you are in labour? I dont think so!Well, as we expected, the minute baby popped put, it's all one big happy family!So, is the hormone that we should put the blame on? LAME! In fact, the progesterone should make women calmer, it acts as tranqualizer in pregnancy. Surprise, surprise!

2. When you are having the contraction, the widwife (or the husband, or the observing Trainee Intern) will ask you to push as hard as you can. Sometimes, the baby isnt out, but the poopoo is. That is so embarrassing. Usually when I saw that 'yuck' face from the husband or from the lady herself, my respond would be, " Hey look,you are having a baby now. You need to push, and you are allowed to pooping at the same time. In fact, that is what we want. At least we know you try very hard with the pushing. Well done you! We want more of those! (Then, I give them a BIG SMILE)". Really??? I dont think I would buy what I just said to them. I could not take the embarrassment of doing your bussiness number 2 in front of people.Obviously not in front of my other half!

3. I am so impressed with husbands out there who are very supportive and loving. They have been a very good support for their wives or partners. You just cant believe what men can do,aye. They look so though, and emotionless.Yet, when it comes to caring and sharing, they become so gentle! Haih~

4. I also observed partners that just dont give a damn.Sometimes, the labour can take ages! Especially with the first time mom, or a very small (Asian) young mom.You can tell the husband had enough of waiting and screaming.They are too tired of waiting, hearing the galloping noise of the continous CTG for monitoring baby's heart rate.The sleepless nights that they have been through and the annoying things that the wife had done to them...owh, they just cant have it anymore!Or, they just dont know what to do, or they dont know how to support their wives. A simple as that. So, each time I saw that situation, I will try to encourage the husband to participant with the labour. Tell him to massage her hands, or her back. Keep telling her to breathe properly, pushing as hard as she can and keep telling her that she has been so goood,she is doing a very good job and we are so proud of her!Just shower the lady with encouragement and good words,man!.Sometimes I do get frustated when they just dont want to do anything.All they want is the baby to be out!Come on, your wife is not a baby's factory!

5. Most women with prolapse that I saw in clinic had previous history of more than 3 vaginal deliveries. Now you know what 'pushing' can affect your 'flower'.

6. All these valuable experiences make me think about the sacrifices and pain that our mother had been through. With world nowadays, I dont think it's worth to risk your life and to feel the pain when at the end, your own baby will be your own enemy. My point is, I dont think I am the best daughter in the world, but I am trying to be as good as I can. I cannot guarantee if my children could be at least as good as I am and if they dont, I would be the most unfortunate person in this world. (Well, who can tell what lies in the future,aye?) I dont know whether with labour, I could turn to monster and inevitably hurt the feeling of person that I loved most (giving the way I am, it is very likely for me to be that...hahhahahhah). Also I dont want to soil myself while in the process of pushing my baby out.It is horrible and humiliating (eventhough I say to ppl it is alrite). With given points, obviously at present I dont think I would be able to have my baby vaginally. Personally, I think vaginal delivery could jeapordise the marriage (well, literally...hehehhe)

Enough said; I am too posh to push! (well, at least for this moment of time. Who knows, it turns out that I am a heck of baby pusher!...hahahhaha)

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Dirty Little Secret

I'll keep you my dirty little secret,
Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret
Just another regret, hope that you can keep it
My dirty little secret
Who has to know!

Nuha just let me read her Postsecret Book collection. I just knew that there's such thing in this world-where people create postcards unleashing their secrets to public. They are very creative; revealing many hopes, fears and strange confessions. 

Best juga kalau sekali sekala orang hantar poskad tanpa nama kat kita,kan? (Well, I dont like the idea of that,it will give me sleepless nights!

Everybody has their own little secret.

What's my secret?

If I tell you, then I have to kill you...

Then another secret will be created =) 


Thursday, July 31, 2008

The strom is coming!

Sir, you need to evacuate now! Your house is not safe anymore. We give you only 10 minutes, sir.

Last week NZ dilanda ribut. The storm caused a number of casuality. I listened to the news, telling that this 1 family needed to be exacuated within 10 minutes.

Kalau anda di tempat kejadian, dalam masa sepuluh minit,apa yang digapai?


-----10 minutes start now... Tik tok tik tok (background music: 4 Minutes by Madonna and JT)

Passport kena cekau dulu,kang tak boleh balik Malaysia.

Wallet sebab ada credit card dan segala jenis card yang menganduni duit.

Celly kena ambil, senang nak berhubung dengan orang karang. Dah ambil Celly,jgn dilupa chargernya.Tak berguna kalau ada Celly xda baterikan?

Ambil beg roda tu, punggah baju dalam wardbrobe sumpat selagi boleh. Kasut sukan kena bawa,kang nak berlari senang.

Gumboot dalam bilik air pun kena bawa juga.Kalau kena meredah air bah,nanti tak basah. Dah duduk dalam bilik air, cekau juga toilettries mana yang patut.Kang takdalah kebersihan diri tak dijaga pula.
Twinny my laptop bawa sekali, Chichi pun kena juga.Mahal tu beli diaorg.

Sleeping bag...tu penting tu!

-----5 minutes more.... (by this time dah penat dah berlari...)

Ke dapur, ambil makanan yang instant. Bekas air kena ambil,sbb saat2 genting mcm ni, air paling berharga. Biskut2 apa yang ada, roti expired pun sapu juga. Just in case~

Sebelum keluar,make sure diri serba lengkap.Jangaqn keluar2,tudung pula lupa pakai.Adoi, dah naya.

Time's up!

[Rasa-rasanya boleh survive seminggu ni kot,kalau kena evacuate. Well done.]

(Tapi kalau ada emergency macam ni, saya akan ke hospital punya~ kena membantu)

---This family, the wife managed to grab almost everyhting from her bedroom in 10 min, the son also did the same. The husband? Well, he just got back from work, too overwhelmed with the 10 minutes warning, he didnt manage to grap anything~ " I wish I could grab my beer,I need it so badly now". Beer je yang dia nak?Haiyyo!

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Seems like many Srikandis have changed their title - to Puan...

So, Kelab Puan-Puan bertambah ahli, kelab Cik-Cik berkuranglah pula!

Anyway, girls...this list will help to save your time finding presents for my wed..(insyaAllah kalau ada satu =p )

1. Washing machine (kalau boleh ada dryer sekali, just in case masa bulan tengkujuh.)
2. Dryer machine (kalau tak sekali dgn yg 1)
3. Sofa bed (nanti senang juga kat korang kalau datang umah,nak bermalam.Tak yah rent motel or hotel.Malam tu, boleh kita catch up;pillow talk or bak kata Unai,mesyuarat tingkap =p )
4. Dish washer (orang mmg kata ini membasir,tapi kita kena fikir masa2 kecemasan.Kalau suami isteri busy,siapa yang nak basuh pinggan tu?Kalau tak basuh,ada la yang start membebel.Dah buka radio,haih,habisla perang kecil meletus.Ha,kang elok psychological effect for having dishwasher ni...tangan pun maintain lembut,xdela cik abg bising2 )

Hmm,ni je yang aku wish korang.Tak banyak pun. Korang ada berapa org? Srikandi ada 143. Tu yang generallah.Yang super rapat...xkira lagi...My family from NZ?kome, jgn lari eh...hehehhe

(Kesimpulannya, tgh kebosanan.Maka,kemerepekan pun melanda. Excuse my improper use of Bahasa =p )

- from taocomposition

New Home

Haih,lama sangat tak menulis ni. Berkulapak blog ni!
New beginning at a new place.

Ana is obsessively talking about her basic skill deficits. I reckon each one of us pun ada syndrome ni jugak, betul tak?Like me, ayooo,kalau listkan Ana,I think we just about the same. I am no surprise if my list is longer than yours tau! (Ana is now in Malaysia...sangat iri hati =( no lah,Im happy for you!) ---------Ana, we are going older!And we are learning new skills everyday!

Duduk sorang2; cocktail of feelings. Sometimes I feel relief, sometimes feel blessed, sometimes lonely and bored (maybe most of the time!), sometimes feel peaceful,afraid,anxious etc.You named it,everything is there!

Keluar pagi,jalan ke terminal bus,tunggu bus.Habis kerja pukul 5,tunggu bus setengah jam.Kadang-kadang dalam hujan.Sampai rumah,buka tv,tgk berita.Masak dinner,selalunya beli =) Baca-baca buku, tido. Setiap hari rutin yang sama. Bosan? Surprisingly not. Because I know,next year this will be my life.For how long,I dont know.Maybe life would be more chaotic than now.

Que Sera Sera, What Ever Will Be, Will Be!

pictures courtesy from Farah!

Monday, July 07, 2008

Long Due

My elective quarter is now in the middle way~another few weeks before 3-week holidays!

Bus-Train-Mana Island-Parameta Bay-The Kite Runner

What else could you ask more! owh, maybe a mochachino on board too would be nice.hehehheh

Thanks to Zen- The Kite Runner is such an excellent present!

~~~~Tak sabar nak habis =)

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Kaboom, accident!

What a weekend!
We were supposed to meet Aza and PakLong over at Maktam's place, Oamaru.
Nothing as what we planned.
Aza and PakLong had an accident-Aza was sent to Christchurh Hosp by copper, fractured her proximal and distal tibia, also her calcaneous. Big haematoma on her left eye! Seriously, you look like a racoon, Aza! hehhehe
Anyway, dalam sakit-sakit tu pun, sempat lagi kasi my present. Ayoo...

"Derq, ambiklah hadiah ko tu, kat tingkap tu. sebabkan hadiah ko ni la kaki aku patah.aku bersusah selamatkan..."

Serius je Aza ni.
Tapi seriusla, tengok kotak tu. Penyek!Kesan dihenyak kaki Aza. (Aza stucked in the car.People had to call firemen to help her out!)
Gambar tak boleh nak upload lagi.


Love you guys both!
Terima kasih daun keladi! Hadiah itu sungguh saya sukai!!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It's all coming back to me now!

Here I am, back in the old place,where I belong to.
We were super duper excited and looking fwrd for this elective.
But, as Hamzah's approaching London St, I felt like going home at that moment.I cant imagine myself going through this horrible nasty winter again.NO!!!
Elective wasnt cruisy for us!More than our own medicine run! FULL ON!
DOnt even have time to do my own thing.
Deadline is right at the corner.I havent got any idea what to write about.
I need inspirations!!!
God,please help me!
Im missing Wellington! Welly peeps, u guys miss me?
(kenapa tak boleh post gambar ni?haih~)

Saturday, May 10, 2008


To Mahasiswa Biasa,
Anda telah membuatkan saya malas nak balik ke Malaysia.
Terbayang apa akan jadi kalau saya bekerja di sana nanti.
Saya takut kalau semua orang berfikiran seperti saudara.
Kami akui kami kurang pengalaman, kurang praktikal.
Tak sudikah saudara dan kawan-kawan mengajar kami?
Buruk sangatkah perangai kami terhadap pesakit, sampai golongan kami dipanggil golongan kurang ajar?
Kalau kami kekurangan ajaran, tak mahukah saudara dan rakan-rakan mengajar kami?
Soalan saya; mengapa saudara menggunakan nama Mahasiswa biasa? Kami luar biasakah?
Takpalah, itu pendapat saudara.
Kami janji, kami pulang nanti, harap-harap apa yang saudara jangkakan tu, tak menjadi realiti.
Kita jumpa nanti.

(maaf kalau ada yang terasa dengan entri ini, saya terkecil hati sahaja selepas terbaca email kawan kita ni.kejap lagi besarlah balik hati saya eh =p )

courtesy from

CPR is a default

I've been procrastinating to up-dating my blog for the whole week! Last week, we had the whole class teaching. Dr. Elder and Dr. Adler (nama mcm sama je diorg nih...hehhehe) gave us the tutorial; abt death and dying.

"How do you wanna die?"

Basically, there are 3 type of dying:

1) Quick dying process. This type has a rapid declining graph of life expectancy. Contoh untuk jenis kematian sebegini: death from cancer. Once u have been diagnosed, usually your health declines pretty fast and rapidly hit the bottom: death!

2) Ups and downs dying process. For this one, the graph would be ups and downs. Contohnya orang yang ada sakit kronik.Kadang-kadang kita tengok macam ajal dia dah dekat, tapi alih-alih boleh sihat balik.

3) Gradually dying process. The graph for this one would be gradul declining line. Contohnya,sakit tua.
(tried to find those graphs but it's only in hard-copy)

Jadi, macam mana kita nak mati?Mana satu pilihan hati?

Kita MATI sekali. Kalau boleh, biarlah kita mati dengan dignity.

Aku nak mati dalam keadaan ready;bila dah bersedia mahu bertemu Illahi.

Life and death by Gustav Klimt

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Introducing my scooter-the Scotty

I dont know who gave it the me;it came with parcel without the sender.

But I think I can guess who is the person that sent this to me-and I know I owe him a STRAW/PANAMA hat.Still browsing,bro.Not sure which one will suit u better =p

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Last week was Poppy Day.
Gallapoli Peninsular
Yesterday was ANZAC day.
The tomb of Unknown-Wellington,NZ

Hari ini mengimbau kembali
91 tahun yang lalu
Gallipoli berhujan peluru,
260 hari darah membanjiri bumi.
Kerana setia pada raja,
keluarga sanggup ditinggalkan.
Kerana ingin mencari maruah,
nikmat dunia dicampak ke belakang.

Berbulan-bulan menempah maut,
ajal datang tak perlu digamit.
Kawan-kawan mati bergelimpangan,
mayat dibiarkan tak bernesan.

Pribumi kini tiada pewaris;
pemuda rebah di bumi asing.
Sampai bila nak jadi kerbau?
Menurut tanpa bersuara,
akibatnya kamu yang rasa
pabila ahli keluarga tak cukup semeja.

ANZAC Day, Wellington CBD
25 April 2006

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Drowning into the sea (and I cant swim)

And I just can’t look - it's killing me
And taking control
Jealousy, turning saints into the sea
Turning through sick lullabies
Choking on your alibis
But it’s just the price I pay
Destiny is calling me
Open up my eager eyes
Cause I’m Mr Brightside

>The Killers<

Tema 2 minggu ini- Cemburu

Ish,rumah ni mmg kuat jealous.Baik aku atau Anna.Tapi aku la kot ketuanya.Sampai sekrang, Zen pun ikut sama.

Sorry Zen,we are suppose to feminize you,but instead,we turned you into jealousy-macho zen!

Jealous.Cemburu.Jaki?Dengki?Semua sama erti ke?

Mungkin tidak~

Lain erti,sama maksud?

Mungkin tidak~

Kenapa mesti cemburu?

Tanda sayang?

Mungkin tidak~

Habis,kenapa masih cemburu? comment...

Bosan2 malam minggu,lepas berlelah di ED,membuang masa membuat ini:

Desire to Be the Center of Attention
Eldest Child Average Score - 5 over 10

MINE - 7/10 (huish,terbukti~)

For many eldest children, being the center of attention can translate to feeling valued and loved. Some eldest children, although not all, are spoiled by being the sole focus of their parent's attention. As younger siblings come along, eldest children tend to feel threatened that they will lose the close relationship they have with their parents. In the attempt to regain their central position in the family, many eldest children become quite skilled at drawing attention to themselves. It is likely that when you are left alone, you may engage in performance-oriented activities, such as dancing or playing a musical instrument. Because of your desire to be the center of attention, you probably tend to be outgoing, entertaining and upbeat when you are around others. However, for many first-borns, the desire to be the center of attention can have negative consequences. Eldest children can be quite self-absorbed and selfish. When things do not go as planned, being rude or having temper tantrums is a possible response.

IS IT???

My first week in ED was really tiring.I have 4 more days to go.~sigh~BIG one!

Saturday, April 05, 2008


Tengah study kat library,sekali terkoya pulak. Ingat masa kecik2 dulu (form 2 still kecik ke?).

After PMR.

--Abah,org ingat kaklong nak berenti sekolah lah?
--Berenti sekolah?Kau gila ke?
--Hahahahha..relax,bah.Bukan berenti belajar.Kaklong tak mo sekolah kat situ lagi je.
--Eik, sekolah dah punya bagus,kamu nak tukar?Kenapa?Kena buli ke?dah nak masuk upper form kena buli lagi?Biar betul!
--Eh, abah.Kita buli orang lagi adalah!
--Habis tu?
--Sekolah tak offer aliran sastera la...
--Kaklong nak jadi apa amik aliran sastera?
--Kaklong nak jadi penyair...

adoi,lawak betul.Terdiam abah dengar.I think he has doubt on me at that time.Tapi salah dia juga,siapa suruh kasi typewriter kat aku masa aku darjah 5?hehehhe...
Rentetan peristiwa di atas, sebab abah dah tak terkata,aku teruskan menjadi SRIKANDI (never regret,bebeh!) Weekends je,aku ngan Hasfa berdating dgn Encik Zulkifli (secara senyap2 ni.pheewittt).Kitorg amik kelas sastera dengan cikgu Zul.Cikgu ni ajar Fizik asalnya.Best wo.Underground class.2 students only.Tapi tak lama sbb cikgu Zul kena sambung belajar overseas.huhuhu. (HASFA, di manakah kamu,dong!Kepingin mahu ketemu!)

Masa form 4

---Zuwa,aku nak jadi Chemical Engineer la.Macam macho je nama dia. (Seriously,at this point,I have no idea what that means...hehehhe..) Ha, tak pun jadi pharmacist.
---Memang macho,derq.Kita masuk UTP nak?
---Weh,best ar tuh.Tapi I think my parents want me to be a doctor la.
---Ntahnya.Pasal kaya kot.Aku nyampahla jadi doktor ni.Macam berlagak je.Sangka hebat sgt boleh baikkan sakit orang.Aku paling malas nak jumpa doktor.Orang yang paling tak mesra di alam maya ini.Pelik aku.Diorang ni suka double-standardkan orang. (pergh,aku ingat balik,gell marah aku ngan back on my face!)
---Apa derq ko merepek ni...hahahhaha.
---Betul la.Ok2,aku tau.Kalu parents aku nak gak aku jadi doctor,aku amek je medic.Pastu,dah grad,aku kasik certificate aku kat parents aku.Pastu aku blaja lagi, nak proceed my dream-nak jadik pharmacist.

Wah2,gell semangat aku dulu.Tak terfikir langsung berapa lama nak blaja tu.

My feet on the ground now.
In my final year of study,I feel like those memories just passed me by. I dont think I can take this anymore.Penat weh jadi student ni.

Pharmacists are brilliant.They can remember all the drugs.They are drug addicts.heheheh.

(cita-cita aku dulu tak merapu ataupun mengarut.but i was grandious...tapi,cita-cita aku sekarang merapu dan mengarut.And I'm still hoping those will become reality.That will be awesome!!!!)


Best umah dekat pantai. Boleh lepas tensi sambil2 main air.

Korang pernah main tenteng kat tepi pantai?Tak pernah,kan?Jgn jeles eh...
(Eh,ladies,we can make iklan cam Petronas tula...kenapa ombak jahat...budak kecik tu main tenteng kat tepi pantai apa~)

Penat dengan kerja
Tapi tak mahu jadi kuli
Penat dengan manusia
Tapi tak mahu jadi bangkai
Penat dengan diri
Tapi tak mahu jadi basi
Penat dengan dunia
Tapi diri tak mahu mati

Comfortably numb!

It's the end of first 2 weeks of surgeyr attachment.Man,so hard!Pukul 7 dah keluar.Shuruq pun belum lagi.Ayam kuat je berkokok (kalaulah duduk kat kampung kan,xdela kat Welly ni ha...)

Semalam buat long day.Finished at 11pm.Gosh,tired like heaven!

Starting from next week,I'm attached to ED.Will be starting with late shift.Adoila.

I wanted to post pictures of Wellington Hosp, my lovely and flash work-study place =) Alangkah sedihnya,takda satu gambar pun dekat Google.Iskiskisk...punyalah tak famous kan?

Nuha came home after a week in Plamy. Farah is sick;poisoned by the food she had eaten from Food Fest.

Kesimpulan this week: I AM NUMB!!!
Comfortably Numb
"My hands felt just like two balloons"
The Wall, 1979 The first place.
Courtesy from

Monday, March 24, 2008

OOO Yea???

Kata orang:

-Kawan tanpa kompromi
ooo yea???

- One should love you, the way you are. Not the way she wants you to be. If someone tries to change you, then it's not love, but a compromise... One doesn't compromise in love, rite?
ooo yea???

(courtesy to McN)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Kena tinggal lagi!

Kalau Farah baca ni, sure she'll get mad at me. "Bukan kena tinggal la Kak Udeq,U chose to be left at home!".Im sure that would be her reply.

True, I have been lazy-bum this Easter Break.Declined to join the trip to Rotorua,Taupo,Ohekune etc with Seng,Ana,Unai,Nuha n Zen.And last nite, when girls from upstairs approached me and invited me to join their trip to Wairarapa.Thanks girls!

Sakit lagi badan ni dari netball semalam.Dah season dah ni.Adoila.Camne nak main for April nanti?Ni belum suku abad,kang kalu dah masuk suku abad,badan pun dah kerepot.huhuuhhu

Pernah terfikir tak,kenapa kita kena jaga badan kita?Kenapa orang yg jaga badan (by eating healthy food,exercising,meditating etc) tapi still lagi sakit?Hehe.True,dah takdir Allah.OK,aku dah merepek ni.Serious.Sangap dah duduk dalam bilik ni.

I better end this entry now, and go to sleep (12.44 pm now!)

Getting ready-Red team!

Getting ready-Green team! (My team is Blue.xde sapa nak amek gambar grup kita,Jenny!sadis2)
Meme and Mun preparing the court!

Thanks to everybody for the fun game! Riadah 08

Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday!


Dekat rumah ni, tinggal Mel,Wani & aku je.

Bebudak lain gi jln2 to Taupo and Rotorua.

Yesterday was my last day in Onco Ward.I like it so much.The team was so friendly.I actually feel like I belong to that team.A month with Onco team taught me a lot about life.Surrounded by people who have cancer,most of them are terminally ill.I witnessed 3 death during my attachment.The first one was affecting me badly.But I know, in the future this is the situation that I have to deal with.While I was there, I saw too many type of people, with different kind of scenarios.I saw this couple,the husband is newly diagnosed Burkitt's Lymphoma patient;the wife asked me whether she can kiss her husband or not-afraid the chemo will affecting her,indirectly.And I replied,"Your husband deserve your kisses,madam!".

Next,Im going for surgery.Something that Im not looking forward too.huhuhuhu..Oh God, give me strengths to do this.8weeks man, 8 freaking week!aduh2!

Anyway, 4days of weekend!5 dvds awaiting for me to put them into the dvd player!


-Like Mike

-Hating Alison Ashley


-Shattered Glass
OK, the marathon starts now!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Satu itu KUAT

Satu itu tunggal.

Satu itu esa.

Satu itu ganjil.

Satu itu kuat.

Satu is the only.

Kalau dalam satu kelompok yang bersatu,kalau ada satu orang yang tak mahu bekerjasama,kelompok itu akan berpecah.

Sebidang kain putih,putih berseri.Tetiba ada satu tompok hitam.Satu sahaja.Tak berseri dah kain tu.

Satu grup penuh dengan orang yang agak baik, satu sahaja yang bermasalah.Seluruh grup digelar 'bermasalah.'

Yang satu itu memang kuat.

Tak payahlah nak cakap pasal kesatuan kalau saf depan mata pun tak dihiraukan.

Tak payahlah nak berbincang tentang orang lain kalau hati orang lain tak ditimbangkan.

Jangan nak menuding jari kepada orang lain sebab tak tegur kita.Lagi teruk kalau salahkan orang salah menegur kita.

"Aku,kalau ditegur elok2,sure aku berubah,Ni tegur macam apa je,lagi teruk aku jadi adalah"

Untuk diri menelik balik apa yang boleh ditelek.