Saturday, November 10, 2007

The End of Fifth Year

5 years being here in NZ;3 years down in Dunedin, 2 years up here in windy city of Wellington.

27th October 2007 - Saturday
Huda Zakari - Student number 10, in Group 1 (purple). Starting point will be rest station.

Lengkap tertulis pada slip peperiksaan yang kami terima 2 minggu sebelum.
First group, start with rest station,which means I will not have any rest station while doing this OSCE exams.9 stations without a break.Would be tough!And it was!!!

Ini lakaran yang berlaku pada hari Sabtu,27 Oct 2007:

1st station
You are a TI working here today, this lady comes in to have a discussion about her Fluoxetine medication.She is planning to have a children of her own.Attached is the information sheet for SSRI usage in pregnancy and breastfeeding mother.Address her concern.

Well, at first,I thought this station was a GP station.Sweet!I can nail this!Owh,wait.I didnt know about SSRI in pregnancy.Alamak!Im screwed!OK,Huda.Ini untuk masa depan.Berusahalah!Ya Allah, tolonglah hambaMu ini.OK Huda.Baca je apa yang dia tulis tu.
"Hi there.My name is Huda and I am a trainee intern working here today.Is it okay with you to spend sometime taliking to me?" My opening for every station we had that day,or every time I did my OSCE practices. =) TYPICAL. Ayat hafal! =p
Nasib baik the lady is very nice.
It turned out that station was a psych station! Oh, Lord!

2nd station
You are a TI in surgical outpatient clinic and Mr. X comes in after being referred by his GP. He has been noticing blood from her back passage. Take a focused history and you will be stopped at 6 minutes.

Sweet!Surgery station.You can do this Huda.You just revise this with Ana n Mel yesterday evening.You were the patient.You know what to do.Shine Huda, shine! Mr.Keating was in the room with his registrar. He was the one who responsible to my palpitation.No kidding! He was!
Alhamdulillah, the history part was great.

Next task:Please explain to Mr.X that he needs to have a colonoscopy.

Isk, tetiba mindaku dikatup. Blank! I was stucked at the complication part.And, most important thing,I forgot to say about the biopsy part.Alahai,dah sah2lah kalau masukkan endoscope tu akan dibuat sekali biopsy.Huda,Huda. Mr.Keating said,"Well,there's a lot of things you can do while doing the colonoscopy,you know.Especially in patient that we suspect to have cancer.You may leave now." DUSH!Aku diperli oleh Mr.Keating.

3rd station
Aku berlari ke station 3.Punyalah jauh jaraknya dari station 2.Isk.Dahaga sungguh. Aha,ada sterile gell di luar pintu.Examination station.Apa agaknya menanti di dalam.

Mr.K presents with painful left knee.Perform the knee examination in 5 minutes.After that you will be asked to explain something to Mr.K.

I didn't recognise the examiners.Very unfamiliar faces.No written vignette.And, did I hear left knee?not right?How am I going to do the left side examination when the bed is stuck on the wall?Ok, better ask again."Sir, your left knee is sore,is it right?" "emm,yes.The left one."
Okay,Huda.Put up with it.Look confident! Sigh, of all examinations, why knee? I prefer shoulder over knee.Oh,my Lord.This is my weakest examination.Help me,Allah! Personally, I think I did badly.I could see the examiners looked so angry.Nevermind,Huda.Just proceed to the next task.

Explain what is wrong with the Xray result and address his concern.
Fuh,I'm done with the 2surgery stations.Move on,Huda! be continued (too long to put under 1 entry)

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