Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Dirty Little Secret

I'll keep you my dirty little secret,
Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret
Just another regret, hope that you can keep it
My dirty little secret
Who has to know!

Nuha just let me read her Postsecret Book collection. I just knew that there's such thing in this world-where people create postcards unleashing their secrets to public. They are very creative; revealing many hopes, fears and strange confessions. 

Best juga kalau sekali sekala orang hantar poskad tanpa nama kat kita,kan? (Well, I dont like the idea of that,it will give me sleepless nights!

Everybody has their own little secret.

What's my secret?

If I tell you, then I have to kill you...

Then another secret will be created =) 

